
Do you have a goal in mind?  Is it related to becoming healthier or heading down the path of a healthier lifestyle?  Find a space to grow your produce and reap these advantages!
  • FUN
  • Burning stored energy (Calories Out) physical activity
  • Great tasting produce (Calories In) major source of nutrients
  • Saves trips to the store
  • Great teaching tool
  • Lowering the risk of many chronic diseases

Growing what you eat, may help you keep a healthier balance.  You have the choice to choose a better balance.  Research tells us eating the right amount of vegetables is linked to lowering the risk of many chronic diseases.  Despite this, many of us still do not eat enough veggies.  Not only do dietary guidelines suggest eating at least 3 servings of vegetables daily, but now they include different forms and colors.  Variety is the key to balance.   When you opt for a wide variety of vegetables,seed-packets you may increase the number of nutrients your body will receive. Benefits from incorporating more vegetables in different forms and colors into your lifestyle may improve immune function, vision, skin and bone health, cancer and heart disease risk, joint health and cholesterol.

Pride is defined as the satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements.  Growing your own produce supports a healthy body and mind; you can take pride in your efforts!  Gardening helps you balance not only your health but also your budget.  The USDA estimates that for every $100 spent on vegetable gardening, that expense can yield $1000 to $1700 worth of produce.  Take pride in improving your health and finances by stepping out of your comfort zone and growing more of what you eat.

Do you have a goal in mind?  Is it related to becoming healthier or heading down the path of a healthier lifestyle?

–K. Delgado MS, RDN, CD
Kaitie Delgado, Registered Certified Dietitian Nutritionist