Garden Organization

  1. Each gardener must provide his/her own items such as seeds, plants, and tools (carry-in, carry-out)

  2. Water/rain barrels will be provided to supplement nature’s Watering cans/jugs should be carried in by gardeners.
  3. Respect each person’s garden.
  1. We are asking that 10% of your produce be donated to your local food pantry. As produce ripens, we will provide a basket with a sheet to be completed by each gardener.
  2. Keep your garden looking good. Please pull weeds and remove any trash. Failure to maintain, weed, and/or harvest may result in your plot being relinquished.
  3. Children must be under adult supervision at all times; teach children to respect other gardeners’ plots.
  4. No pets in the garden.
  5. Enjoy the sunshine, fruits of your labor, and fellowship with the other gardeners.
  6. Dawn to dusk access.
  7. E-mails will be sent regarding date of closing of garden in late September to prepare for tilling in October.
  8. Please address any concerns and/or compliments to Mama Root at