Each gardener must provide his/her own items such as seeds, plants, and tools (carry-in, carry-out)
- Water/rain barrels will be provided to supplement nature’s Watering cans/jugs should be carried in by gardeners.
- Respect each person’s garden.
- We are asking that 10% of your produce be donated to your local food pantry. As produce ripens, we will provide a basket with a sheet to be completed by each gardener.
- Keep your garden looking good. Please pull weeds and remove any trash. Failure to maintain, weed, and/or harvest may result in your plot being relinquished.
- Children must be under adult supervision at all times; teach children to respect other gardeners’ plots.
- No pets in the garden.
- Enjoy the sunshine, fruits of your labor, and fellowship with the other gardeners.
- Dawn to dusk access.
- E-mails will be sent regarding date of closing of garden in late September to prepare for tilling in October.
- Please address any concerns and/or compliments to Mama Root at mamaroot@firstfruitsgarden.org